I am so over this cold weather!!!! And even if it isn't going to go away anytime soon, I am not gonna let it get me down anymore! So... starting tomorrow, I am taking myself out of hibernation! I even plan on shaving my legs (that's how serious I am!) even if it isn't quite shorts season yet!
Also, if I shave my legs, that means I have no more excuses about why I cant go to the gym to do some weight training, stretches, cross training, etc. which means it is time to get serious about my workouts too. (No more just running and doing nothing else)
So, if I am going to start getting serious about my workouts and my hygiene, I might as well get serious about my eating habits too!
Let's see how well I can do this week. No more excuses, no more being lazy, cold, and tired. Time to get back at it!!!